Are You Facing Challenges?

  • Difficulty in Analyzing too much of data.
  • Aligning employee’s to organizational goals.
  • Timely & accurate upload of data.
  • Spending too much of time doing HR activities.
  • Managerial bias in evaluating performance and planning career.
SAAS Based HRMS Software

CATALYST addresses all of them and many more...

Built by industry experts

SAAS based

Multiple security for data confidentiality

Consulting + Software

OKR concept for goal setting

Competitive pricing

Free Customisations

Real time attractive dashboards and reports

whats App integrated

Easy excel bulk uploaders

Easy API integrators

Data Repository

Cut off dates and system locks for discipline

Automated system calculated performance scores through algorithms

Multiple training workshops for users backed by DIY videos and exciting blogs, podcasts and articles on related subjects

We have 3D Approach


The problem


The intervention


The outcome

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